Sunday, January 11, 2009

Favorite Comedian

Ok I dont get to catch his act all that often, but dang when ever I do I am laughing to the point of tears!! Yes he does swear...alot...and yes he is very unpolitically correct, but thats what makes him so damn funny!!! People take life so seriously, you have to be PC all the time- he is NOT..LOL Here are a couple of his shows....(( tell the kiddos to hit the road for this one)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New day

So hopefully my crewd and Lewd post will scare some people off..good- if it did you probably weren't meant to be here in the first place. I am still appalled that strangers would feel compelled to come HERE and shit all over my personal Blog..I have never called anyone out here- its NOT board territory- its my personal thoughts, musings about my loved ones, pictures, funny things I come across. I enabled the comments sections for my friends to pop in and say was NOT intended for a shit war!! It still amuses me that someone would think I would make up user names to comment on my own blog...OK??? LOL Today was awesome!! Cruz got a hair cut- he looks adorable- he always sits like a good boy. We stopped over at the Dollar store next door and he picked up his first gun- grrrr..I always said I wasn't going to allow any play guns..but it was this cute Police know the ones with the badge and gun, and handcuffs? It even has the cop sunglasses- Too funny!!For a buck how can you go wrong? Stopped over at the Ole walmart, they had massive markdowns on lights and decorations- geez I got 6 boxes of Christmas lights for $2!! Oh and Debbie? cause I know your still stalking me.... here is a picture of Cruz drinking from a sippy know since he is STILL breastfeeding and all.... (insert eye roll) So all in all a great day :<)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hey Debbie..this is for you

Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can't eat it or hump it, piss on it and walk away. So consider yourself Pissed on BITCH- you nasty snatch- and that goes for any of her pitiful can all rot- go eat a bag of dicks! Please go back to the holes you crawled out of....My ban from PO was temporary, however just like I have told you; I told Missy to shove it up her ass- I"m done because I SAY I'm done!! Have fun stroking each other!!

Science Experiment

You only wish you had beaker baby this cute!!!

My my look what crawled out from under her rock

This is in regards to a comment made to blog..I apologize for the nastiness, but as someone decided they would come and violate my blog, it needed to be addressed- Now I decided toremove these nasty remarks as this is not the place for her garbage... First off she referred to Cruz, my baby boy as a Science experiment, and that he was probably just that- Yep, she made fun of infertility and my sweet baby boy- Then she called me trash- and accused me of making of the other commenters on this blog..LOL Ok I dont have quite THAT much time on my hands-I'm trash?? Me? This is hilarious what you have written..Anon and Shannon? I haven't a clue who you are; appreciate the back up- not necessary as I could honestly care less what she thinks- as I have my suspicions that she doesn't even have that capability...But thanks ladies..I know there are many that are beyond sick of her. You have some low blows lets address them shall we? Cruz..a science experiment? If you mean a home insemination due to morphology issues and POF? Ok I guess you really GOT me there..ooooh ouch that really hurt!! What the hell ever- Cruz is s Beautiful, brilliant and LOVED and unlike any of your kids..was WANTED and TRIED for...not an accident like old Petey. Anyone who has dealt with infertility I guess would have science experiments for babies...PLease feel free to go over to one of the infertility boards and let them have it ok? They deserve it dont they? As for breastfeeding..are you kidding me? This coming from a woman who didnt even spare enough of her time to even TRY to BF? Please..once again try to review the AMA, WHO and many other agencies have all known for years that 2+ years is the gold standard..but then again this is being argue ed with a "mom'( and I use that loosely) who didn't bother at its really like talking to a pile of shit..(which coincidentally has more brains than Debbie does) Isn't it you that has had nothing but sick kids after Sick kids since their birth??? Wasnt it your baby that was admitted just weeks after birth from being sick?? Lets see, Cruz has been sick oh...lets see..ONCE? Oh yeah I"m a baaaad Mom...PLease...he has been rated by educators as intelligent as a 4 year old....but your right... Sicko? LOL Oh yeah , me and my leather nipples are soo getting off,....Oh baby!! That is Just the type of ignorance I would expect of your type...I love my little boy and have chosen to give him what is BEST for him....I will not even bother trying to explain this to a mouth breather such as yourself- Nor do I give two shits about your opinion. Then there is my husband....he Escapes to Iraq? LOL now that's FUNNY!! Your right, he chooses the Mission and then jumps on the next plane when we argue..LOL I think he probably wishes he could at times, but no my idiot friend, that is NOT the way the military works...I"m sure all of the men and women risking their asses for PUKE like you would love to know just how UNgrateful assholes like you are- believe me if they could pick and choose who they defended..they would- You should and will go to hell- But this is once again coming from a BITTER Bitch who has been married what 4 years? ( and this her 2nd marraige..she failed the first) LOL Yeah honey when you've hit 15 come back OK? And I dont mean 15 years of combined marraiges ok? Can you even count that high? Hmm start with your chins...that'll get you to at least 12... BTW: he reads this and agrees that you are the FUGLIEST looking bitch he has ever quote "looks like she got hit with the Ugly stick one too many times" LOL Its sad you felt the need to come to MY blog and argue...who needs the LIFE??? Or you could do us all a favor and just END yours...please? Also....I find it funny that you make fun of a CHILD? Seriously a Child? Thats low even for the likes of you..I will leave that topic alone..for I could go on for days abouts yours..... So for all reading this let me clear a few things up and then if this piece of trash (Debbie) decided to post again on my blog..which was quite sad to begin with..she will be blocked- LOL oh yes and as for my grades...Hmm lets see, I have bachelors degree, what do you have besides your fat ass ? Nothing, Nada, Zilch!! Oh thats right, didnt you used to work at Walmart? LOL Fucking loser- First off there was a VERY insensitive Post directed at a member of our birth board..I made a comment in defense of the attacked..this of course brought out the claws of one of the two of the nastiest of the board..I took the beef to PM's ( private messages) where I asked what her issue was...she then got very nasty as she always does...I have had it with her..I have always been respectful and nice to her, but you know enough is enough- so I let her know what I and surely ANYONE who sees her thinks about her massive 400lbs...she of course ( like the coward she is) forwarded this to the admin ..what a shock?? I didn't bother to even reply to the inquiry from admin, because frankly I"m soo beyond done there- there is only so many times I can read about Deb's lack of sex and In laws that hate her..its a daily rant... As for Debbie and her constant ramblings about this mother fucking gift...LOL I so wish I hadn't bought some..Omg I do..LOL but I did and it 'coincidentally" got lost..or so she says...that's SAD Debbie, really...But as we have all seen here you wont stop at harming a child to prove some point- There is another gal on the board who at the time of the exchange wasn't my 'best friend", but she will account that I not only sent her son a gift, but it was MORE than keep on spouting on and on about poor Nikki, but the real crime is that she has you a Mother...poor thing. If my life is pathetic, then so be it quit stalking my Mother fucking blog you weirdo- ..but unlike you, I don't feel the need to search out peoples Blogs to comment on my opinion of their THAT'S some actually are pretty scary Debbie...seriously when do you have time for any of your children with all this stalking??? Poor kids- And as to announcing your sex life on here...Um YUCK,...who the hell asked? I think I will need to burn my eyes out now for that vision.... I don't need to make up a "Shannon" or anyone else to tell you what I think of you- Oh wait I don't think of you..EVER- LOL and your right Debbie, my pathetic attempts at 'selling crap on the internet" just grossed me..oh I dont know about $5,000 last year..*sigh* your right...its so pathetic...LOL I"m laughen my butt off all the way to the bank. I will never make excuses for ensuring my family is able to afford the better things in we dont ever have to live in the scum state that your barnyard does. You latched onto your husband and have sat on your lazy ever expanding ass for quite some time now- I dont blame you debbie, your a loser and a leach!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ok here it comes.....

Why, why why do people; generally women. feel that its OK to rude as long as its under the guise of "opinion'? Seriously? I don't give a shit if you think your being constructive- if you wouldn't say it to your preacher, don't say it at all! No your not being "honest" your being a BITCH! NO your not being straight forward; your simply unhappy with your own crappy life and have seen a slight entrance to go and crap all over someone Else's life! Grow up- I am soooo sick of holding my tongue on a particular board- if it wasn't such a public place..Oh hell I can guarantee my posts would be present for about 10 seconds before they were censored out. I can be as nasty, jealous, catty, whatever you call it , as the next one, but I am an adult and I do have this thing called maturity, and its about high time some of those women exercise some of their own!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bad blogger Baad bad!!

I have been a very bad blogger- and I"m sorry!! Life has been busy, boring, hectic, depressing..... The snow has hit the NW hard this year-, this is very uncommon for us in this region; an abnormality that the cities can NOT deal with properly! Most families have been snowed in, with the roads being way to icy to drive on. MY poor kids are bored to tears!!( So am I for that matter!!) Thank good ness they at least have Christmas tomorrow to break it up!! I am not much of a reader...too busy...I like to really get deep into a book; and frankly having 4 kids seems to get in the way of that quite frequently!! But if your going to read a book this week..OMG read Stephanie Meyers Twilight Series!! The first is just over 500 pages, and I finished it in just a couple days!! I promise you, you will NOT put it ( them) down! It is a 4 book series....and if you can catch it before it leaves the theatres...go see the first movie!!